Press Releases

Here are a list of of press releases based on or including Herschel ATLAS results.

  1. Aug 2015 The slow death of the universe, ESO press release, Astronomy Now, Sky & Telescope, Daily Mail, BBC online
  2. Aug 2014 Best View Yet of Merging Galaxies ESO press release, sci-news.comAstronomy Now, CBS news
  3. Nov 2010 Herschel Digs up the Dirt on Galaxies using Cosmic Zoom Lenses - UK Herschel Outreach SiteESA, BBC online (radio interviews on BBC Three counties (Dr Bonfield) and Dr Gomez on Good Evening Wales, Dr Dunne on ITV 6 and 10 o'clock news interview, Dr Negrello BBC interview, SAFM, Universe Today,, newspaper coverage includes Dr Leeuw in The Star South Africa, Western Mail Wales). Dr Dunne will also appear on STFC's Naked Scientist podcast.  Lens result also covered on following popular blogs: In the DarkRadio 4's Tom Fielden, All in the Gutter
  4. Oct 2010 First Data Release from Giant Survey (UK Herschel Outreach Site, ESA, local press release - Nottingham University)
  5.  March 2010 Galaxies Galore (H-ATLAS featured in the first press release by ESA, see their media launch, featured on UK Outreach Site, Cardiff University). This news item also featured in Science Magazine, New Scientist, Sky and Telescope, BBC.  Other news websites include The Epoch Times
  6. Feb 2008 - Cool Space Dust Survey goes into Orbit (Nottingham University).


Other interesting public stories on H-ATLAS:

H-ATLAS image on Jodcast cover art.

H-ATLAS image on APOD forum.